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Regenerating Colorful Colorado

Regenerating Colorful Colorado is an interactive data visualization and art piece that explores the importance of regenerative agricultural practices here in Colorado as a climate solution and inspires residents to take action.

Regenerating Colorful Colorado is an interactive data visualization and data art piece. It focuses on regenerative agriculture practices taking place in Colorado by displaying data from the 2017 Census of Agriculture. Viewers are first introduced to regenerative agriculture and then lead to explore a visualization of Colorado that adds information as you scroll. The color of Colorado counties represents the percentage of farms using cover cropping, the texture represents the percentage of farms using no-till practices. Overlaid on each county is a flower whose number of petals represents carbon sequestration and whose color shows the percentage of farms using no fertilizers. Finally, the viewer can click on a county to see farms in that area using these practices and how they can get involved.


Undergrad,Anna Lynton



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